Disclaimer - I have no idea, none, on how to ensure everyone is happy all the time!
Some tips may come via Squeak - the happiest dog I know |
Honestly I'm not even sure that it would be a good thing if we were always happy. Life is light and shade and that contrast gives our lives texture.
That said, we're happier being happy right?
And often when we're happy we are nicer to other people. At least I am.
Those of you who've been reading this blog over the last year will know I've learnt a fair bit about myself in that time. And I've noticed that I'm getting happier.
I don't think that's because of any huge changes in my life. I suspect I've made some small adjustments that have had a big impact.
This year I'm committing to noticing stuff that makes a difference to me and sharing it. I hope some things that work for me work for other people. And I hope if they don't this at least makes for entertaining reading.
Not all of the things I'll suggest will fall into the good advice category - I have no qualifications to give advice, I'm not a good role model - I regularly leave the house in odd socks, I can't sing in tune, and as my nieces and nephews will attest I'm terrible at remembering birthdays.
Also what makes me happy is likely to be different to what makes you happy. I'd be amazed if the next year goes by without at least one reference to 'sorting my buttons' (not a euphemism I actually do just own hundreds of buttons), I know that this is a niche pursuit - but it does work for me.
What I'm saying is take what's useful and leave the rest.
What I'm saying is this blog isn't going to change the world - and I'm okay with that.
But it might make you smile when you read it - and that's a win right?
And also:
Happy is a team effort! If you've got a trick that makes you happier please share it in the comments, tweet me on @edarcherthinks or use the hashtag #secret2happy on twitter or instagram.
Here's to the happiest year yet!
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