Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The rules (or how you know I'm not cheating)

So let's assume you've already sponsored me - how can you possibly know that I am really only wearing 35 things this year, what clothes count and what doesn't?

How will I be policed?

I don't know if you are at all worried about this but I certainly am. There is a part of me that is still very much a child when it comes to sponsorship. I don't want to sponsor you to try I want to sponsor you to do. As a kid I never gave anyone their sponsorship money for sponsored silence or sponsored fasts, or even fun runs until the task was completed - and you know what if you cheated, or had to speak to ask to go to the loo or snuck a sweet at midday, or twisted your ankle the day before the race - then you wouldn't get your sponsorship money at all.

Because for me as a child sponsorship wasn't about generosity or charity. It was about taking a gamble on whether someone could actually do something really hard. Now that probably tells you something about my personality that isn't entirely flattering. But I think it's important. As an adult people who really love you will sponsor you regardless of what you are doing - but your acquaintances - if they are going to put their hands in their pockets they are going to want to see you sweat.

So you need to see me sweat - you need proof that I'm doing what I've said I'll do, and the rules will help you keep track of just that.

The Rules
  1. Ed will only wear 35 items of clothing from 23rd May 2015 to 23rd May 2016. 
  2. Anything fabric that is visible counts as clothing with the exception of tights and socks (sorry chaps but hygiene)
  3. In the spirit of rule 1 Ed can only wear plain black tights, any variation on this counts as one of the 35 items
  4. Clothes that are needed for specific sporting activities don't count as long as they are exclusively used for those activities (this is basically my yoga/ running kit, walking boots and walking sandals) - if these are worn outside of specific activities they count as one of the 35 items
  5. If I'm lucky enough to go on holiday I'll take 1 bikini, it won't count as an item of clothing & there will be no photos of it (consider this a kindness)
  6. Jewelry isn't clothing, neither is a belt
  7. I will keep a list & photo's of allowed clothing on a blogpost. Once there are 35 items on the list - that is it - if I haven't allowed for weather/ certain occasions - tough.
  8. I will take a photo of my outfit everyday & post it on Instagram so you have (boring repetitive) proof I am sticking to the rules
  9. Pairs of things (shoes, gloves) count as one item, but only if they are called 'a pair of' don't worry I won't try and sneak in a suit! 
  10. If something breaks I have to try to fix it - if something gets stained I can dye it. If something horrible goes wrong out of my control & I lose an item - then you my sponsors will vote on what I can do about it.
I'm going to find this really hard - It is going to make me sweat (potentially literally if I don't choose the right clothes) so it's probably worth some sponsorship isn't it? The just giving page is here

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