Monday, 24 August 2015

Liking yourself is a rebellious act

So yesterday marked the 3 month point on my challenge. I am now a quarter of the way through the year, halfway to my funding target and 66% through my wardrobe allocation.What I've worn every day so far can be found on the Day by Day page.

I thought I'd think less about clothes while living through this challenge - but actually I find myself thinking about them more. I notice myself looking at people on the tube and asking myself what they are communicating (both intentionally and unintentionally) through what they choose to wear.

One of the things I've found myself really enjoying are people who are really enjoying being creative with their look and just seem really bloody comfortable with themselves in it. I found this awesome image which basically covers why I like seeing this so much over on Broadist's blog

In a society that profits from your self doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act
(image belongs to hugclub)

I think this image could be a bit of a talisman for everyone when shopping, to remind us to ask ourselves; "Am I buying this because I feel inadequate and think it'll make me more acceptable or because it'll bring me actual pleasure?", and then to only buy the stuff that will actually bring us joy.

What do you think?

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